The new and improved trails at
Birchbank Mountain still need a few improvements, so here's a wish list for any prospective Eagle Scouts out there. First, the trailhead (above) is hard to spot and we could use a small sign kiosk. Right now all we have is that little brown sign tacked to the post, and people have pulled that off.

Next, we need two bridges for the white trail over Upper White Hills Brook. The lower crossing is shown in the photo above.

Somebody pulled down the top of the chimney arch over the past couple weeks. A repair would be nice.

Part of the white trail follows an old colonial road that has erosion issues because the soil is so sandy and we had a lot of ATVs in there. Some steps, check dams, and/or drainage ditches and pipes would help.

Part of this old road became so eroded it had to be abandoned and the trail rerouted. ATVers had been pulling rocks out of the bottom and throwing them up over the side. In this spot (photo above) we pulled the rocks back down and created check dams to slow down the erosion. This needs to be done for the rest of the abandoned trail.
Birchbank is our most unique and sensitive open space. If you are willing to help out, please contact the Conservation Agent at conservation@cityofshelton.org or call 203-924-1555 x315.
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