At 8:30 the Shelton Trails Committee will be hosting a Work Party on the Boehm Pond Trail opposite 98 Farmill Street. Mostly clearing brush and removing leaves on a neat little neighborhood trail. If you haven't explored this open space on the West side of town then Saturday is your opportunity.

And if you don't give a hoot about trail work parties then maybe the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetland Commissions is more your cup of tea. CACIWC will be holding their annual meeting in Wallingford on Saturday & one of the workshop speakers will be our own Teresa Gallagher. Teresa will be talking about the State's greenway program and how the Shelton Lakes Greenway is a case study. Shelton has had one of the most aggressive Greenway programs in the state recently & it's nice when our efforts are used as an example for the rest of the state.

So, there is a lot going on Saturday, in Shelton and around the state, to improve our communities with better trails, greenways, and safer streets. If you can, plan to come out and join us for our trail work party on Farmill Street.
And be on the lookout for information about the upcoming Birchbank Hike - it should be fun.
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