Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Paugussett Trail Improvements at Wiacek Meadows Continue


A "to-do" status list in map form

Now that the growing season is over, it's time to get back to the Paugussett Trail improvements at Wiacek Meadows. By the way, that is the current working name for the open space property located to the north of the High School, between Constitution Blvd North and Meadow Street. Wiacek is pronounced "WHY-seck." Or possibly WHY-a-seck. The above map shows the overall plan and our progress. As you can see, most of the tasks have been completed. Part D was just completed last week in an afternoon. That involved shifting 160 feet of trail off an eroded gully. 

October 2024 reroute (160 feet)

Part E has just begun. This is the ~350-foot section that floods during the wet season, sometimes for months at at time. There is no possible reroute -- it's all wet in every direction. It's not a skunk cabbage mucky type of wet, which would be worse. Rather, it's a hard pan hilltop with roots everywhere type of wet. In the summer it all dries out and is fine to walk on except for roots and rocks. 

April 2024 conditions

Although this section of the Paugussett doesn't get a lot of use, it must have at least a few regular users because last spring someone put down long branches on the trail, parallel to the direction of travel, which is a big no-no. Stepping on a log or branch parallel to the trail is just asking to slipping into the mud. And the mud wasn't that deep, so people with hiking boots could have just walked right through it except these branches were in their way.  Not helpful!

April 2024 conditions
Section with rocks

Over the years, some sporadic efforts were made to put down rocks in places, with varying levels of quality control. Some sections of rocks aren't too bad, but some are very uneven and pretty tedious to walk on.  

Summer conditions:
Lots of roots and rocks!

During the summer, the trail dries out, but all the rocks and roots have been a serious annoyance. The first task will be to create a summer treadway, with many of the rocks and roots removed or covered over.  Most people hike during the dry months. That part has been started: 

A summer treadway cleared
on the left of the rocks

After a summer tread has been cleared out, the winter/wet season tread will slowly be improved. Some parts of the trail will get new 8-foot bog walks consisting of a pair of 2"x8" boards resting on top of 5x5 sleepers.  Other parts of the trail will likely have some rock work done. The goal is for these improvements to be off to one side so that people can choose to walk on the dirt when things are drier. 

None of this will be quick or easy. If anyone would like to help out, please let us know

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