Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Eversource Checklist

Here's a running list of the outstanding items at Shelton Lakes that Eversource representatives told Trails Committee members they would address. We don't know if they still plan on addressing these items because our requests now go unanswered. Item are sorted by starting at Buddington Road and heading north past Constitution Drive to Derby Junction:

1. Nells Rock Trail steps.  The top three steps were going to be leveled up. The Committee was not consulted about the creation of these steps and did not ask for them. The Committee asked for the original slope to be restored, since the fill on top was only needed temporarily in order to remove the old towers. The top half of the steps have treads that slope downhill and are  hazard when wet. A detour around the steps may be pursued, but would require a bridge and some earthwork.

The Eversource Steps

2. Oak Valley Trail marker. A marked 4x4 post was never replaced near Shelton Ave. We cannot find the post. 

Junction with the Oak Valley Trail (red) is missing a sign post

3. Kiosk at Shelton Ave. The kiosk was reinstalled poorly and is now leaning badly, exposing the contents to rain.

The camera is level, the kiosk is not.

4. Utility road surface between Shelton Ave and Independence Drive: Course, loose gravel and cobblestone. This is used by many people as a walking/biking trail, and in some section is part of the Paugussett and Turkey Trot Trails. Before the project, Committee members made clear that cobblestones are annoying to walk at best (and can twist an ankle) and were reassured that Eversource contractors would use road material that compacts and wouldn't be a problem to walk on. It is. 

Loose gravel and cobbles

5. Bridge near Turkey Trot Trail. This bridge is used by the Gator and DR for mowing points north along the trails. Because the height of the utility road was increased, the approaches to the bridge are steep and abrupt, making it difficult to pull the DR. Committee members asked that the approaches be graded out or the bridge raised. 

Bridge near Turkey Trot Trail

6. Paugussett Trail drainage. Where the Paugussett Trail joins the utility road near the top of the hill between Shelton Ave. and Independence Drive, stormwater runoff now drains down the trail from areas uphill that were work sites. Eversource staff said they would look into putting in a water bar to divert water from going down the trail. 

Stormwater runoff now flows off the road and
onto the Paugussett here, eroding it

7. New tower site at south side of Wellington Ave.  The new tower that was constructed on top of the trail in a low area has been a morass and uneven to walk on. Prior to construction, this was never a problem to walk across and there was a smooth dirt access road and a turn-around for the gator and DR mower. The timber matting compressed the soil, causing water to collect, and the ground is uneven around the new tower. Eversource staff were going to look into whether the spot was a wetland and offered to spread some truckloads of fill if it was not to repair the gator road. No word back on that. The area has dried up somewhat since the spring, but is uneven and the gator got two flat tires trying to navigate it. 

Site of new tower on top of Paugussett

8. Constitution Blvd crossing marker.  The 4x4 Paugussett Trail marker was never replaced. 

We keep pulling the old 4x4 post
out of the weeds so it can be 

This checklist will be updated as we receive new information. 

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