Sunday, December 3, 2023

2 Cycle Gas Preparation

We use a variety of power and hand tools.  The power tools really help with maintaining all of Shelton's 31 miles of trails; particularly given the limited number of core volunteers. 

When we were first starting out we had a variety of tools that used different mixtures: 50:1, 40:1, 32:1 and it was hard to keep things straight.  We standardized on using a 50:1 gasoline: 2 cycle oil mixture for all the tools to make our tasks simplier and avoid confusion.    Keeping the fresh, proper 2-cycle fuel mixture is the first step in starting and using our trail tools.  The typical 50:1 mix we use is:

  • 1 gallon 89 Octane Gasoline (high test, but not super hi-test)
  • 1 small container of 2 Cycle Oil (pre-mixed for 1 gallon of gas)
  • 1 oz. of SeaFoam stabilizer

The 2 cycle oil is generally dumped into the empty gas can before adding the gasoline to help with mixing.  The 89 Octane was suggested by Bill Girard; CFPA's chainsaw instructor, and it seems to work well for us.  The stabilizer helps keep the gas fresh for a few months.  We generally have two to three 1 gallon cans that we rotate to use up the older gas first.

Note of Caution:  Most of the little 2 cycle oil containers are pre-mixed for 1 gallon of gas, but check the label.  We have a few containers that are pre-mixed for 2 gallons of gas.  Don't put two much oil in or the tools will sputter.  And don't put the 2-Cycle oil in the Gator or DR Mower - those take the regular gas in the larger gas containers.

Use the little mixing shot glass to pour out the SeaFoam stabilizer and add it to the gas can.  Make a note on the label of the date it was mixed up, so we can use up the older gas first.

Trail Safety Tip:  Don't use that shot glass for drinking.  SeaFoam may be good for engine innards, but not so sure about your innards.  And that goes for any of the other measuring containers on the fuel/chemical area of the Barn.

There you have it; another valuable trail maintenance guide from your friendly neighborhood Shelton Trails Committee.

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