Saturday, February 12, 2022

Trimming the Laurel

We finally got in a trail work party after all the snow, ice storms, and freezing weather the last few weeks.  It was an incredibly warm & sunny day for February; upper 40's headed toward 60!

A good group of 14 Volunteers showed up at the Trail Barns on Nells Rock Road.   We loaded up the gator with loppers, bow saws, and other cutting implements to trim back some of the brush along the edges of the Shelton Lakes Recreation Path.  Our goal was to get a head start on the brush before it started growing so there would be less work in June.

We headed South from the Dog Park.  The RecPath was icy in spots, but it was mostly clear.

Hope Lake was still frozen, and the Dam was sporting some interesting icy seeps.

People spread out thru what we call the Mountain Laurel Tunnel near the powerlines.  Some folks used power equipment, but there was a lot of limited hand cutting and hauling brush.  We needed to cut back some growth, but keep the arching effect thru the Laurels for June when the flowers bloom.  Got to get the Fung Schway just right.

Some of the cleared out edges of the RecPath near the Mtn. Laurels.

The trails, while muddy and icy, were pretty popular this morning.  There were a lot of folks out walking their dogs.  Here's one happy family of customers out enjoying the trails.  Enjoy today's weather because it's supposed to snow tomorrow.  But Spring is around the corner.

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