Very early on Thursday before the rain, another TC member went to the scene and retrieved the posts and unbroken rails using a rope, then replaced the posts in the holes and installed the top rails. Additional rails were criss-crossed for safety.
Later in the day after the rain stopped, a third TC member went to the area and was able to install the top two rails to make the fence much safer for the large number of hikers, dog walkers and joggers using the Rec Path.
Sadly there are people out there willing to do damage to the Shelton trails in spite of the current situation that we are enduring. Shelton has kept our trails open despite other town’s restrictions and closure. If anyone sees vandalism or other criminal issues, please report to the Shelton Police
Sadly we had a second incident of vandalism at the Silent Waters fence with a post broken along several rails. The event was reported to the police.