A 3/4 mile section of the Blue Trail (future Paugussett Trail extension) has just been rerouted in the vicinity of Shelton Ave (Rt. 108). The new route gets the trail off of the powerlines and also avoids a stretch that closely paralleled Shelton Ave and was subject to traffic noise.
See a Google map of the reroute. Northbound, the new section begins near the Hope Lake dam. Instead of turning west towards the powerlines, the trail now crosses Shelton Ave near the Dog Park and joins the Rec Path and Turkey Trot Trail to cross the Silent Waters bridge, with great views. It stays on the Rec Path/Turkey Trot for about 1/3 mile, following the top of the old dams, then takes a sharp left off of the Rec Path with Turkey Trot Trail (blazed white) and angles up the hill towards the powerlines. The only new created section of trail turns right off of Turkey Trot towards the powerlines, but instead of coming out directly onto the powerline gap, the new trail follows the powerlines northbound just inside the tree line for a ways before coming out into the clearing near Independence Drive.
A few other minor reroutes are underway, including the stretch between Independence Drive and Wellington Court, and another section just north of Mayflower Lane.
New section of trail that parallels the powerlines. |
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