Monday, September 24, 2012

Roots............and weeds

The weather was perfect for a Saturday morning of sprucing up the Shelton Lakes Rec Path. T-shirt climate without the humidity. Even in the Fall, weeds can be a problem, so we decided to tidy up the area around the Silent Waters dam. A load of wood mulch was provided by the Parks and Recreation Dept. and we set to work pulling weeds and blanketing the side of the path.

Click on photos to enlarge

Richard demonstrates to two volunteers how to avoid stabbing your foot with a hay fork. ('re standing in poison ivy!)

 Pulling weeds and spreading mulch. Looks easy until you try it!

 Great day for biking!

Not content with just pulling weeds, Sandie tries to cut back growth to the water line.

 Terry rests after a few hours of stooping over a power weed cutter.

 Nice clean lines now create a buffer between the trail and the undergrowth.

We weren't even finished when we had happy visitors using our "rest area".

This bench, by the way, was left by an anonymous donor at the parking area on Constitution Blvd. We found the perfect setting for it, overlooking the flora and fauna of the Silent Waters.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to everybody who helped out. The Damn RecPath looks great. Now all we have to do is finish the other side of the damn bridge.
