Sunday, December 12, 2010

RecPath Construction - Week Deux

The contractors pulled of the job for a couple of days this week, but did some work then shifted their base of operations from Oak Valley Road to the White House on Nells Rock Road.

They added drainage at one of the wet spots on Oak Valley Road. More drainage has to be added, but this corrects a problem area that needed improvements.

They cleaned up a stockpile area for road millings at the powerlines. They did a very neat job restoring the area and placing woodchips along CL&P's access drive. The RecPath entrance is actually a little to the west behind a locked City gate.

Clearing was done along the alternative route going up toward Hope Lake. Sharp chainsaws make quick and neat work. The temperature started to drop this week, but clearing can be done in all weather.

Here's the head of construction winding up the slope. The silt fence on the downhill side of the route protects the stream from mud and erosion during construction. The RecPath base of asphalt millings is being placed right after rough grading to create a stable, non-erosive surface.

Their equipment has been relocated at the White House by the new Dog Park. The contractors are doing a good job leaving the RecPath neat, passable and safe on the weekends. People should remember to stay out of the contractor's way during working hours. Hopefully we see some good production next week.


  1. Terry, thank you for documenting the progress. I noted the contractor placed a row of rock at the lower side of a turn just past the start up the hill off Nells Rock Road. This type of construction will be needed as they proceed up the hill where there is considerable cross slope conditions.

    Will be interesting to see how the Dog Park and Rec Path drainage faired over the last 24 hours.

  2. There was a seep yesterday just below the first rock outcrop on the right going up the hill - we may need a yard drain there. I marked 3 extra trees with flagging to come out - either on the inside of the curve or in the clear zones. Removing the first tree should help with getting equipment up the hill - take a look if you go out there today. Stone on the outside of the curve maybe OK, but it can probably be feathered off with topsoil, & we'll have to add a split rail fence there so bikes don't fly off coming down the hill.

  3. Actually it was the City that spread the wood chips off Oak Valley Road.

  4. Excellent job by Parks and Rec then. Gotta love teamwork.
