Here's Rich's photo of Sheri & Jim in the midst of clearing out all the debris. They're some of the elves who take care of Shelton's trails, and we could use more elves - consider volunteering for trail work. Visit our booth at Shelton Day, call the Conservation Commission at (203) 924-1555x315, or e-mail the Shelton Trails website if you want to volunteer. You'll find hidden corners of Shelton that you didn't know existing, and it's fun.
The Far Mill Greenway has some really pretty trails that are good for walking, lunches, or fishing. See the Shelton Trails website for maps.
This trail along the Far Mill River is accessed behind Well Spring Estates Condominium. Drive on Old Stratford Road, and turn east onto Farmill Crossing (near HealthNet). Park by the bridge and walk down the driveway at the big open space sign. Walk past the yellow chain and keep walking to the east of the condos along the crushed stone utility road. The trail continues to the river until it hits private property. The entire area between the condos and the river is a really pretty public open space. Hopefully someday we can connect this trail into a larger system along the River.
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