Wednesday, we went bike riding along the RecPath from Pine Lake to Silent Waters. There is a bumper crop of plump, delicious raspberries just below the dam at Silent Waters (along Constitution Boulevard across the street from the Intermediate School). You may want to wear long pants and bring some hand clippers to work your way into the raspberries. The blackberries are thornier, but there aren't too many of them.

This is a view on top of one of the historic dams at Silent Waters. There was some storm damage from last weekend that has to be cleaned up, but the RecPath is mostly clear.
This is the crossing from the school campus to the Turkey Trot Trailhead at Constitution Boulevard.

If you want the raspberries then go quickly before they are gone. This is a good trip for families with kids on bikes. You can also combine it with fishing at the lakes. Take advantage of the nice weather for a bike trip.
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