Monday, October 22, 2018

Low Water Crossings at Acadia

This Fall's trip to Acadia National Park included a number of great hiking trails, many with varied ways to cross wet areas or streams.  A few examples include:

This is the Canon Brook Trail entrance over the south end of the Tarn.  It split logs elevated on pressure treated cross members and posts, approximately 1'-2' above wetland level.

The Kane Path contains sections of split-log puncheons along the shoreline of The Tarn.   These are low structures set on log sleepers just above the wet areas.  This system uses locally harvested lumber, and takes advantage of the curved nature of the trees to wrap around the topography.

Another section of The Kane Path; narrow; 1'-2'wide split log puncheons.

Stone stepping stones across the south end of The Tarn at The Ladder Trail Entrance.  Large stones with decent gaps to let the stream flow thru, but sturdy enough to be submerged temporarily in large storms without getting washed away.

Typical low bridge along the Canon Brook Trail.  Crosses narrow, but frequent drainage channels coming off the East side of Dorr Mountain.

Another low bridge with split log sides that extend up above the wide sawn deck boards.  The split logs supply support and stability to the short spans.

Rock paving and boulder walk along The Kane Path next to The Tarn.  Carefully placed boulders and cut stones provide a natural looking walkway along the waters edge.

Some sections of timber boardwalk (pre-fabricated?)  that look like they might have been built elsewhere and positioned with snowmobiles or ATV's.

So, a wide variety of ways to enjoy a walk in the woods while keeping your feet dry.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Foot Bridges in Acadia

The trail craftsmanship in Acadia National Park on Mt. Desert Isle in Maine is amazing.  Everywhere you look there are examples of elegant solutions to trail issues.  Here are a few pictures of some nice trail elements from Acadia:

Here's a simple rustic bridge from Sieur de Monts Spings.  It's a short span, but the channel it crosses gets considerable flow at times and it's an attractive bridge near the Wild Gardens of Acadia.

Here's a short span footbridge at Echo Lake; slight arch with timber decking and mortared masonry abutments.  It blends in well with the lake shore.

Here's another rustic bridge leading down to the shoreline.  This one has a corduroy tread made out of small diameter saplings, but with log supports spanning the stream.  It's a slight arch, with double hand rails made of peeled saplings.
And another footbridge; with sawn deck boards, and a single handrail.

There are a lot of interesting ways to cross a stream in Acadia.