Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Meetings. Yawn.

Efforts to build trails actually start right here, in Room 303 of City Hall. This is where the Trails Committee meets each month and comes up with a Plan of Attack. From left to right: Richard Skudlarek, Terrance (Terry) Gallagher, Marianne Chaya (clerk for Conservation Commission - she arrived early), Jim Taradine, and Bill Dyer (Chairman). Sheri Dutkanicz somehow skipped out of the picture.

They schedule upcoming work parties and guided hikes, and talk rather endlessly about the ongoing Rec Path construction. Here is a condensed version:

Terrance: Cut the trees.
Bill: Save the trees.
Terrance: Cut the trees.
Bill: Save the trees.

A more nuanced synopsis of said discussions, aka "meeting minutes" can be found here.

Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome. They are held the first Wednesday of each month at 5:00 pm in Room 303 of City Hall, followed by the Conservation Commission's meeting at 7:00 pm.


  1. Bill and I are the only folks doing serious trail stuff!

  2. "Serious" Actually we recognized the photo-op to look like we are doing something useful.
