With the RecPath Celebration less than one week away the leprechauns have been busy making the route passable. Brush has been cut, storm damage cleared, paths raked, leaves blown, mudholes filled; all so you can enjoy your walk or bike ride.

Jim Taradine & Rich Skudlarek cleared out around the mudholes on the Great Ledge property. The City just acquired this central open space last month after several years of negotiations - we thought we were all set, and then we had record rainfalls that flooded the existing gravel road.

So the Mayor got the Bridges & Highways Dept and the Parks & Rec Dept to drop off some road millings from recent City jobs. Volunteers from the Trails Committee hand dug drainage ditches, cleared briars, and filled in some of the wetter areas to make the road passable for now.
The long term plan is to improve this section to full handicapped accessibility like the other sections, but that may have to wait until next year.

Here's the location of the Great Ledge Open Space at the end of Oak Valley Road. The City of Shelton and the Shelton Land Conservation Trust now own all the Right of Way for the Shelton Lakes Recreation Path. Join us Saturday at Noon at Pine Lake on Rt. 108 for the festivities. Bring kids, bikes, dogs, shoes, wheelchairs, or pogo sticks. Fun for all ages.
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