Saturday, June 22, 2024

Steamy Saturday at French's Hill

It was a busy, and steamy weekend.  The icky heat dome settling over most of the country, made conditions in Conn. , well, Icky.  That is the technical term.  Everything has been growing, we at jumping from open space to open space trying to keep the trails clear from the Spring and Summer growth, and today was our day to tackle French's Hill.

Fortunately, we had a wonderful, and hardy, group of Shelton volunteers who were undeterred by the weather and showed up to work.  Armed with lots of bug juice, water, and more water, we headed into the woods.

Helpful Trail Tip:  Don't open your mouth to talk to your co-workers immediately after you're sprayed your head and hat with OFF at the start of the work party.  It's really not the best flavor experience.

Ellen, Ann, and Val were whacking briars and such along the trail from the parking lot into the fields and powerlines.
Luis and some of the younger guys were working on the thick brush along the Red trail across the Eversource powerlines.  They then worked clockwise around the loop trail.

Hubbel Farm has been haying the fields at French's Hill.  Now that the hay crop is in, with the improvements to the trails, there is a nice opportunity to enjoy the views from the farm fields.

Jeff, Mike, and Terry were cutting barberry and other sharp, pointy and unwanted shrubbery along the trail going counterclockwise around the loop.

Bill Dyer tackled modifications to the boards on the bog walk.  We didn't expect him today, but he had a break from grandparent duties and came out to enjoy the humidity with the rest of us.   It was very steamy in the woods from last night's rains and thunderstorms.
Ellen & Co. did a good job cutting out briars along the White trail.

Hopefully we get a few more photos of everybody working.  One of the problems with the work parties is that we all get busy working and nobody has time to take photos.  That doesn't mean that everyone wasn't working.  We had a couple of coolers of beverages going around, and by the end of the work party much of those drinks were gone, and everyone was soaked, and filthy by the end.  It was a good day in the field.  Some days, you're not sure what you actually got done at work.  That was not the case today.

Thanks to Ann, Bill, Jevon, Val, Nolan, Ellen, Jeff, Jason, Michael, Terry, and Luis for coming out today.

And a big thanks to Mark Vallaro who came out yesterday and weedwhacked the entry drive and parking lot prior to the work party.

Next Up - TBD - probably Silent Waters and the RecPath.  Check back for updates.

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