Thursday, May 23, 2024

Paugussett Reroute to "Meadow View"

2024 master plan for improving the Paugussett Trail
between Constitution Blvd and Meadow Street

After hardening 600 feet of muddy trail north of Constitution Blvd (see three work party posts herehere, and here), it was time to continue north and address the next problematic section of trail. This is where the trail runs downhill along the Maybeck stone wall for about 500 feet, with the Wiacek meadow off to the right (when headed northbound). This is labeled part "C" on the map above (Section A1 is where the trail was hardened with gravel in April). The existing trail was on old cow path that ran along the wall. Unfortunately, that old cow path also served as a stormwater gully. All the rainwater runoff from several acres was funneled down the trail, which had turned into a series of mudholes and gullies. The stone wall acted like a dam, and there was no way to get the water off the trail. 

The stone wall dammed up drainage and turned the trail
into a series of mudholes and gullies.

The solution was to shift the trail over to the southeast side of the stone wall. There's a mostly forested strip of land between the wall and the scenic meadow.  The north end is a bit sunny and therefore prone to overgrowth, but there are some good tree saplings that can be nurtured to provide future shade. A few spots on this side of the wall are also marginally soft, but water can be directed off of the trail and into the meadow, which is lower in elevation. So at least it won't turn into one long gully. And the meadow views are much better. 

The work was done quickly by staff before the vegetation had a chance to leaf out further and it would be time for annual trail clearing throughout town.

The new route, with meadow views

About half way down this section, there's an excellent view of the meadow and a small sitting rock. This makes a nice destination if someone desires a short, easy walk starting at Constitution Blvd near Summerfield Condos. A turkey put on quite a show in the middle of the meadow during much of the work. 

Here's a small rock chair

The section after this (heading north) is in really bad shape and requires a few hundred feet of bog walk and/or stepping stones. That will be a big job and was saved for last. 

Enjoying the views!

We've never quite known what to call this tract of open space, which consists of large parcels acquired from the Wiacek, Maybeck, and Krynitsky families, along with an open space set-aside from the creation of Summerfield Condos.  It's technically a part of the expansive Shelton Lakes Greenway, but off on its own. One idea is to call it the Meadow View Tract of the Shelton Lakes Greenway. 

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