Monday, April 8, 2024

Birchbank Overlook Trail Register Removed


Graffiti's door
All good things must come to an end, and so it was with the Birchbank Mountain trail register.  It was great while it lasted, and the logbook filled up by hikers at the height of the pandemic is priceless. But in 2023, lots of people started to hog and skip pages, turning the 'guest book' into something not worth saving, so it was removed. We were thinking about trying it again in 2024, but discovered that people had just recently starting carving into the door. And the little totem pole that someone left had been broken off and taken. This is why we can't have nice things. And so the register was removed. But honestly, we were surprised it lasted as long as it did. 

We'll replace the door and maybe install it somewhere else less prone to vandalism. Maybe the end of Stockmal Trail, since that's such an abrupt ending for a trail. 

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