Friday, December 11, 2020

Marc Santacapita Eagle Scout Project - Paugussett Trail

This existing bridge was relocated to the new crossing

Much of the Paugussett Trail between Independence Drive and Meadow Street is poorly drained and full of tree roots, so as the trail has become compacted over time, some spots have turned into mud holes and others are just hard to walk on. Marc Santacapita's Troop 19 Eagle Scout project addressed one particularly muddy section near Independence Drive by relocating the trail. 

Spanning a wet spot
The new route is much dryer (the old route passed through a lot of skunk cabbage, a wetlands plant, see photo below), but there was still water to contend with. This required moving one of the existing Scout bridges installed by Daniel Vigezzi and constructing heavy-duty bog walks on another section. The heavy planks used for this bog walk are a pleasure to walk on and should last a long time. 

The old muddy route through the skunk cabbage was closed

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