We had 19 volunteers out at Wesley Drive on Saturday to clear the Basil Brook Bypass with four blowdowns, and trim the brush along the RecPath near the Huntington Woods neighborhood. A number of high school students were trying to finish out their Community Service Hours for the year and were helping out with trail clearing.
We split up into teams and Jim & Mark went ahead with chainsaws to tackle the bigger blow downs across the trail. We separate the chainsawing from the non-chainsawing crews for safety's sake. All the high school students were equipped with a variety of hand tools.
Here's Mike Flament with some of the students cutting small saplings along the Basil Brook Bypass while others raked the storm debris from the trails.
Teams of students worked along the Bypass trail paralleling Basil Brook.
And Basil Brook looked good this morning following the rain the night before. It was starting to feel like Spring finally.
Mark and Jim cleared the lower blow downs at this location so you can scootch under the tree. The larger tree was left for another day. If you're an avid mountain biker you may need to get off your bike to get under this one.
The delicate yellow flowers of the Spice Bush were just blooming along the wetlands and streams. A sure sign of Spring at last.
Some people had to leave after we finished up the Basil Brook Bypass, but the rest continued to work their way down the RecPath toward Lane Street. A number of neighbors, including possible this future trails volunteer (gotta start them early), were being pushed along the RecPath from the Land Trust Meadow.
Mark was challenged by one beech tree that still warrented cutting, and even though some perfectly good chainsaws were back at the vehicles, decided to take things into his own hand saw hands.
After a while it was time for a tag-out.
Now it's a challenge and everybody wants to add a little elbow grease.
There were a lot of pretty flowers along the RecPath near Lane Street just starting to come out. It's a sign of a good Spring ahead and the start of mowing season.
The Basil Brook Bypass signs were added on Sunday to help people find their way. Let's hope they last awhile. In the meantime thanks to all the volunteers that helped out. So whether you like to hike, run, bike, or take your dog for a walk enjoy the effort it takes to keep the trails clear.